Get a leg up on lawn care with our Dixie-Chopper Mowers for sale at Thompson Rentals & Sales, your local dealer. We serve Columbia, Lexington, Camden, Blythewood, Newberry, Sumter and beyond. We are proud to be a South Carolina local business.
You won’t find the World’s Fastest Lawn Mower at one of those “big box” stores; all Dixie Chopper dealers are locally-owned independent businesses.
Dixie Chopper has a history about as long as Thompson Rentals & Sales, full of industry-firsts. Working in his barn near Greencastle, Indiana, Dixie Chopper founder and chairman Art Evans knew there had to be a better way. In 1980 he created the first zero-turn radius lawn mower built for commercial use that would soon revolutionize the lawn & garden industry and started Dixie Chopper. In 1987, Dixie Chopper raised the bar by introducing the "N" Series, the industry's first hydrostatic drive zero-turn radius mower. In 1996, the company introduced the world's first Twin Engine Mower, the S'Burb'n Turb'n. In 2010, the CNG Eco-Eagle again placed Dixie Chopper at the forefront of technology and innovation with the most environmentally friendly combustion engine lawn mower ever built. In 2012, the Xcaliber 4x4, the first-ever 4 wheel drive lawn mower with zero-turn capabilities was introduced by Dixie Chopper. In 2013, the Zee 2 joined the new residential line-up of Dixie Choppers, making even more speed and power available to the discerning homeowner who demands Dixie Chopper quality and value. In 2018, building off the success of the BlackHawk, the Eagle launched with even more speed, power, and performance in a commercial mower.
Find the perfect Dixie-Chopper Lawn Mower for your needs today!
ZEE 2 | ZEE 2 HP
Zero-Turn Mowers
Up to 24 Horsepower
42" to 54" Deck Width

Zero-Turn Mowers
Up to 40 Horsepower
48" to 72" Deck Width